In-DFID-ent to Childrens' Education

Today (Tuesday 15th December), the UK’s international development fund, DFID, announced it has suspended further support for education in Kenya. It is withholding quite a few billion shillings until the Kenya government can account for the few billion that has so far disappeared. This while kids all over Kenya are trying to get an education without textbooks.

This is what I meant a while ago about Kenya’s government stealing from the people – and this time it’s their children! I seriously suspect this is the first of many such changes in the future funding of Kenyan politicians and government officials. Changes are coming but it's the people that are going to suffer, not the politicians!

And President Kibaki today got on a plane to Copenhagen. He’s going to lecture the international community about climate change, no doubt in order to ask for money again. Just like Prof. Saitoti and the urgent need for police reform (see below).

Asked whether DFID should reconsider its position, a whopping 69% of Kenyans who texted their response to KTN News said no, DFID was right in their withholding of funds!

One viewer commented:

“Asking the Kenya Government to administer funds for education is like asking a hyena to look after your sheep”

The Kenya people know exactly what’s going on. They have seen it for years and years. The question is WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Sheesh. I just don't know how Kenyan officials (of any description) can even show their faces in public ....
