Erratum to my previous blog post …

In the last blog, I misquoted the amount involved in Uhuru Kenyatta’s two ‘typing error’ episodes. I said ‘million Shillings’ when I should have said ‘BILLION Shillings.  The order of magnitude is 1000 times guys!  Ten Billion Shillings is like $133 Million DOLLARS …   ( X 2 ?).

Are we having fun yet?

But just another quick note: It is starting to look to me like there’s a simple solution to identifying the main corruptioneers in Kenya: “just watch the guy who makes the most jokes during press conferences ” … ……….

The other approach to watch is the brusque, no-bullshit, businesslike manner, as in “There has been NO discussion of compensation for … There was been NO … There has been NO …”

I’m inspired to believe he’s talking the truth.

Anyway, enough of this.

I’ll write later, maybe next week. It will be a travel piece: I am hoping to get a cheap flight to Zanzibar next week with the idea of spending two days in Stone Town (the very original landing place of Mswahilini asili – the original Swahilis), and then I’ll go on to my cousin Carol’s place in Dar es Salaam.  Cool city. Cool cuz.

I’ll write soon.

Peace and love,
