There’s quite a lot I could write about the recent departure of Kofi Annan and Graca Machel from the shores of Kenya. I could write about misguided faith in the judiciary. I could write about their level-headedness while the nation is screaming. I could write about the truth behind petty politicking for powerful positions. I could write about the fact that the nation is NOT divided at all; the divisions are created by the politicians for their own miserable ends. And so on, and so on.
But I am not going to write about any of this. It is too frustrating and almost brings tears to my eyes. A nation flounders while the rich drown in the fruits that belong to the people.
Instead, I am going to write (very briefly) about something that has just come to my attention ... through something said on Capital FM. It is vitally important to the future of this country:
The woman of Kenya need to get some dress-sense beyond the straight-laced grey, brown and black suits that they wear every day to work. Why is it that a nation of such beautiful women land up wearing such dreadfully dreary clothes to work? The point was noted on the radio and suddenly I was hit, like the proverbial bolt from the sky.
“That’s it”, I thought. “That’s why, despite all these beautiful women, everything looks so dull on the streets”.
As I have noted before, it happens at least once a day that I am struck by some woman’s beauty on the street. And Kenyan women know they have pride of place in the African beauty stakes, for sure. But why do they all dress so conservatively? I know it’s a church-going nation, for sure. But, hey, Jesus never said you can’t wear a bit of colour in your cloth …!
Sheesh. It has taken me an absolute age to realize the absolute dreariness of the fashions here. I am amazed I didn’t see it before. I must have been blinded by the ‘order of things’ in Kenya, and perhaps by the facial beauty of so many that live in this incredible country.
I mean, God populated Kenya with 42 tribes in a very particular way. Here are a few of his preferred choices:
He put the Kikuyu here to run things, and to make sure business boomed (despite the greed of the leadership).
He put the Luhya (and gave them a surly disposition) to work mainly in the police force. Never smiling, always seemingly miserable, they keep order on the roads particularly.
Then He put the Maasai to look after the cattle and goats (and also to prevent unwanted visitors at your home). And He thought the little colour they give the place would help (in the face of dreary fashion sense).
He put the Kamba here to look after the inside of your house and the garden. He also put some of them here to spread a little ju-ju when things get a bit too materialistic!
He put the Kisii here just to upset things every now and then with a temper tantrum. To help them he put the Meru – just in case anyone gets too big for their boots (the Meru arrogance usually sorts it).
He put the original Swahilis here just to smile on, benignly and knowingly (and to chew a lot of the miraa).
Then, finally, he dragged the Luo from the Nile basin and put the men here to buy the shiny suits and drive the Hummers (even when there’s no food at home). He even put one of them here so he could become president of the United States.
Then, in one of His last decisions, He put the Luo women here to keep the place looking goooooooood when all else fails.
He in His infinite wisdom.
If South Africa is the Rainbow Nation then Kenya is the Kaleidoscope.
What a beautiful country. Wild, for sure.
Beautiful people (lakini, kwanini hakuna fashion sense?).
But a fantastic place it is. I love it ...!
With that, amani na mapenzi to all.